Qifeng Chen (陳启峰)
Associate Professor of CSE and ECE
Affiliated with Robotics Institute at HKUST
Email: cqf@ust.hk
About Me Google Scholar Semantic Scholar
(Oct 2024) Three papers are accepted to NeurIPS 2024.
(Jul 2024) A paper is conditionally accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
(Jul 2024) Eight papers are accepted to ECCV 2024.
(Jun 2024) I will be promoted to Associate Professor with substantiation (tenure).
(May 2024) A paper is accepted to ICML 2024.
(Mar 2024) A paper is accepted to SIGGRAPH 2024.
(Feb 2024) Six papers are accepted to CVPR 2024.
(Dec 2023) A paper is accepted to ICLR 2024.
(Dec 2023) Three papers are accepted to AAAI 2024.
(Nov 2023) I will serve as an Area Chair for ACM Multimedia 2024.
(Sep 2023) Two papers are accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
(Aug 2023) Two papers are accepted to TPAMI.
(Aug 2023) A paper is accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2023.
(Jul 2023) A paper is accepted to ACM Multimedia 2023.
(Jul 2023) Four papers are accepted to ICCV 2023.
(Jun 2023) I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2024.
(Apr 2023) A paper is accepted to RSS 2023.
(Mar 2023) I will serve as an Area Chair for NeurIPS 2023.
(Feb 2023) Nine papers are accepted to CVPR 2023.
(Jan 2023) Two papers are accepted to ICLR 2023.
(Jan 2023) Four papers are accepted to ICRA 2023.
(Dec 2022) A paper is accepted to RA-L.
(Sep 2022) Four papers are accepted to NeurIPS 2022.
(Sep 2022) I will serve as an Area Chair for CVPR 2023.
(Sep 2022) A paper is accepted to CoRL 2022.
(Aug 2022) A paper is accepted to WACV 2023.
(Jul 2022) Five papers are accepted to ECCV 2022.
(Jun 2022) A paper is accepted to IROS 2022.
(Jun 2022) Two papers are accepted to ACM MM 2022.
(May 2022) A paper is accepted to ICML 2022.
(Mar 2022) Four papers are accepted to CVPR 2022.
(Jan 2022) A paper is accepted to ICASSP 2022.
(Dec 2021) A paper is accepted to AAAI 2022.
(Dec 2021) A paper is accepted to TPAMI.
(Sep 2021) A paper is accepted to NeurIPS 2021.
(Sep 2021) A paper is accepted to CoRL 2021.
(Jul 2021) Seven papers are accepted to ICCV 2021.
(Jul 2021) Two papers are accepted to ACM MM 2021.
(Jul 2021) Three papers are accepted to IROS 2021.
(May 2021) A paper is accepted to ICML 2021.
(Mar 2021) Seven papers are accepted to CVPR 2021.
(Nov 2020) A paper is accepted to MNRAS 2020.
(Sep 2020) A paper is accepted to NeurIPS 2020.
(Jul 2020) A paper is accepted to ACM MM 2020.
(Jul 2020) Five papers are accepted to ECCV 2020.
(Jun 2020) Two papers are accepted to IROS 2020.
(Feb 2020) Four papers are accepted to CVPR 2020.
(Jan 2020) A paper is accepted to ICRA and RA-L 2020.
(Jul 2019) Two papers are accepted to ICCV 2019.
(Jun 2019) A paper is accepted to InterSpeech 2019.
(Feb 2019) Three papers are accepted to CVPR 2019.
If you are experienced in ACM-ICPC or interested in doing PhD/MPhil with me at HKUST, please apply for
Early Admission.
I may not reply to emails about PhD/MPhil applications, but I will go through relevant applications in early admission.
If you are an HKUST student interested in doing research with me, please send me an email.
Best Paper Award at FTL-IJCAI 2021UROP Faculty Research Award in 2021
Google Faculty Research Awards 2018
Named one of 35 Innovators under 35 in China in 2018 by MIT Technology Review
Gold Medal (2nd place worldwide and North American Champions) at ACM-ICPC World Finals 2011
Champion at Mr Armin and Mrs Lillian Kitchell Undergraduate Research Award 2012
Gold Medal (8th place) at IOI 2007
Area Chair: CVPR 2024, ACM Multimedia 2024, CVPR 2023, NeurIPS 2023Senior Program Committee: IJCAI 2024, AAAI 2022, IJCAI 2022, IJCAI 2021, AAAI 2020
Associate Editor: IROS 2022, IROS 2021, IROS 2020, Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems
Panel Member of HKCAAVQ for University Program Re-Accreditation in 2021
Size Balanced Tree: A data structure I came up with a long time ago.http://wcipeg.com/wiki/Size_Balanced_Tree. More information is at SBT.
The code library I used when participating in ACM-ICPC: Download
I am the coach of ACM-ICPC teams at HKUST
I am the advisor of the HKUST smart campus technology in Blockchain and face recognition